Acquaintance with the activities of the American TETRA TECH company in the West Asia region

Lessons for the development of the regional influence of the Islamic Republic of Iran​​​​​​​

Report No: 106

After the Second World War, the United States of America, as the country that suffered the least damage from the war, tried to rebuild the European countries damaged by the war by using its own financial and technical capabilities. In this regard, the United States implemented the Marshall Plan in Western Europe, which later led to the formation of the American Nation-Building Program and the creation of an institution called the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This organization is in charge of the nation-building program in different parts of the world, including West Asia, in order to increase the influence of the United States of America.

The West Asian region is important for the United States in many ways; Especially in the political-security dimension, the existence of the Zionist regime and in the economic dimension, the presence of abundant energy resources in this region as well as the consumption market of American goods have caused America to pay attention to this region. The United States Agency for International Development, by importing large American private companies to the target countries in this region, in addition to reducing social sensitivities against the United States and the Zionist regime, is increasing the influence of the United States in these countries by implementing economic plans.
One of these large American companies that cooperates with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in the implementation of large economic-social projects is TETRATECH. This company has various groups including water engineering, environment, asset management, crisis management, post-crisis financial management, artificial intelligence and advanced data analysis, energy, modeling, infrastructure, resource management and international development, and has many projects in the form of He is a contractor for USAID. In the countries of the West Asian region, including Iraq, the TetraTech company entered into action immediately after the military phase, and in the first phase, it tried to pursue its goals by organizing humanitarian aid, which is the second step in the nation-building program of the United States.

Executive Summary

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